Learning is easy, forgetting is hard
The need for alterations of generations
Get rid of your singularities of relevance & confirmation bias
»Hello, my deep neural friend. Let me show you the world« is a series of photographs, generated by the results of the collaboration of photography and artificial intelligence. For the artwork I used photographs that were created during travels and showed them to an algorithm that can be attributed to the field of artificial intelligence. The algorithm attempts to understand the images by trying to learn and store them, using calculations within its artificial neurons. The range of the learning process ranges from a total unawareness though having a clue and finally to a complete unlearning. The images shown are intermediate results from this learning process.
The timeframe the algorithm needs to go from total unawareness to having a good clue about an image is much faster compared to going from having a clue to complete forgetting. What can be said about this, is that in neurons the process of how hard learning is perceived compared to forgetting is opposing the normal consensus. Normally, one might think that learning would be much harder than forgetting, but in reality getting rid of an image one has about something is much harder than learning something new.
This might explain why people with a trauma are having tough times for so long since neurons seem to need much longer to get rid of something that has been properly learned either good or bad contrary to learning new things.
Bei der Arbeit »Hello, my deep neural friend. Let me show you the world« handelt es sich um eine fortlaufende fotografische Serie, die sich aus den Ergebnissen der Zusammenarbeit von Fotografie und künstlicher Intelligenz generiert. Für die Arbeit habe ich Aufnahmen, die während Reisen entstanden sind, benutzt, um sie einem Algorithmus, der dem Feld der künstlichen Intelligenz zuzuschreiben ist, zu zeigen. Der Algorithmus versucht die Bilder zu verstehen, indem er sie versucht sie mithilfe Berechnungen innerhalb seiner künstlichen Neuronen zu erlernen und abzuspeichern. Die Bandbreite des Lernprozesses spannt sich dabei von völliger Unkenntnis über ein Erlernt haben bis hin zu einem gänzlichen Verlernen. Die gezeigten Bilder sind Zwischenergebnisse aus diesem Lernprozess.